Welcome to December☂

By Asrina Fitri - December 01, 2012


How are you feel today? I'm fine. And I miss to write a something at my blog so much. 
I have many homeworks and many exams so I can't post to my story again every day like the past.. 


Dari bulan September kemarin tepatnya tanggal 13 gue gamau bulan Desember itu datang lebih awal. Tapi,nyatanya Desember udah datang,dan How can I get my spirit if you always come to my mind? 
Gue pengen di bulan Desember ini lebih banyak kenangannya,lebih dari Desember tahun lalu. Gue yakin walaupun hati ini suka merindukan masa-masa Desember tahun lalu,tapi pasti gue bakal punya kenangan yang lebih di Desember tahun ini. Dan...........semangat untuk ujian akhir semester nya,ci! I will get the perfect score and made all people proud of me,Amin.

December wish:
1. All my problems and stress will dissapear this month
2. Less tears, more laugh.
3. No remedial, no red marks on my report card.
4. Perfect exam scores, to make my parents happy.
5. I wish I could be a better person than I was yesterday.
6. I just want this month to be full of laughter, happiness and memorable great memories to remember.
7. Being happy with my family and ma best friends..
8. Success in Final Exams.
9. Someone who can listen, understands, cares and loves me as much as I love them.
10. My scores in school getting higher.
11. More money to come.
12. Play the rain.

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  1. Selamat Bulan Desember (^,^)9

    Semoga bulan Desember membawa hal-hal yang baik :D.

    Dan doa kamu di bulan ini dikabulkan oleh Allah Swt. Amin ... (/-,-\)

    @Salam Kenal

    [ Unimportant Notebook ]

    1. Maaf baru dibales ya;-)
      Terimakasih telah berkunjung ke blog aku.
      Selamat bulan desember juga,Amin:-)
      Salam kenal juga Ryan Hendra hehehe
