Happy New Year 2013

By Asrina Fitri - December 31, 2012

Thanks to Allah for giving us the opportunity to live and enjoy the New Year's party again *party<:-)*
What ur wishes in 2013? What will you do in 2013? What ur resolusi guys? Hahaha

Say "good bye" to 2012
Say "hello" to 2013


Simpan dan kenanglah masa lalu di 2012 dalam hati, dan mulalilah bergerak dan memikirkan 2013, lakukan hal yang belum tercapai di 2012 lakukan hal yang positif dan lebih positif di 2013. 

2013 be awasome
2013 bring me joy
2013 new beginings, new hopes and new dreams
2013 is going to be better


My wishes:
1. Good grades
2. Be the best of the best to my parents
3. Be more better person than before
4. God always bless me
5. Be more kindheart than before
6. More laughter than tears
7. More lucky
8. More money (hahaha)
9. There isn't cry just happy
10. May desire happen and more impressive


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